May 4, 2024

California rolls with avocado

California rolls at thelawyer

40 minutes of preparation - 5 minutes of cooking

2 lawyers
1 lemon
16 to 20 leaves of rice
1 beautiful ripe mango or pineapple
1 handful of sorrel leaves - if not, rocket
1 package of duck breasts duck dried
100 ml of soy sauce
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons of honey

Peel the mango (or pineapple) and cut into strips (4-5 cm long).
Wash and dry the sorrel, tear the leaves into pieces (about twenty).
Detail the flesh of thelawyer in slices, lemon them carefully.
Slice the duck breasts in half lengthwise (remove the fat if you want to).
Have all these ingredients: fruit, duck breast, lawyer, sorrel in front of you.
Dip a sheet of rice in a large container filled with warm water, to soften it.
Then put it on the worktop, arrange on the bottom half, a little mango, duck breast, sorrel andlawyer, fold down the bottom then the sides and roll.
Place on a plate and continue with the other leaves of rice.
Cover everything with a damp cloth until ready to serve.
For the sauce, mix soy sauce, vinegar and honey in a small saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Taste and rectify the proportions according to taste.
Serve the rolls, chewed dipped in the sauce.

How to Make Avocado Sushi (May 2024)