May 18, 2024

Making her cosmetics at home: hair care

Masks for all hair types
To feed the dry hair
Beat two egg yolks and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Coat your hair of the dough thus obtained before going to bed. Cover your head with a charlotte and go to sleep.
The next day wash your head with a shampoo soft. Your hair will be silky drying!
For lasting results, repeat the experience once a week for one month, especially if you have them. hair particularly brittle or split ends.
To reboost the hair dull and dehydrated
This is the ... mayonnaise of your fridge that will restore health to your hair ! It contains all the ingredients necessary for their vitality and shine (eggs, vinegar, oil)
Make the mayonnaise penetrate each strand of hair, avoiding the roots so as not to grease them.
Leave the "mayo mask" for one hour and make your shampoo usual. The result is stunning !
To fight against greasy hair...
Long live the lemon and its astringent properties! Heat four lemons cut in slices in a small saucepan with a little water (a large glass). The lemons will soften slowly then have the consistency of a marmalade. Then remove the pan from the heat. Let cool and pass this marmalade in the blender to obtain a puree.
In the shower, after your shampoomassage the scalp with this lemon puree. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse. A recipe tested and approved!
Some tips ...
Against dandruff
Massage your scalp with coarse salt then wash your hair with a shampoo neutral. Your scalp will be sanitized and you will have much less dandruff!
Continue to "salt" your hair before each shampoo until complete disappearance of the films.
To make your hair bright
Mash a banana or avocado and add a spoonful of olive oil. Ask for 30 minutes. After rinsing, your hair will be bright.
Boil some water with some thyme sprouts. Remove from heat and filter the water. Put this decoction in the fridge and use it as rinse water after your shampoo. Shine guaranteed.
To make your hair softer
Coat them with monoi two hours before your shampoo then rinse. It's magical and the scents of Monoi will be an escape delight for your senses.
Against hair rebels
Apply palm oil to the lengths and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse. You will see that they will be much more disciplined when styling ...

How to Make Your Own Natural Base Cream for Skin & Hair : Natural Skin Care (May 2024)