May 1, 2024

Sexy Rihanna with her high bun and bulging fringe

The remarkable sobriety of Rihanna in the streets of News York, between two outbursts look military-punk-roots on stage, has a sad reason. The grandmother of the star has indeed died recently, a woman whose Rihanna was close and affectionately named "Gran-Gran Dolly". It is therefore to pay tribute to his loved one that the idol r'n'b chose this extremely classy look.

Her haircut shaved head is made discreet by this hairstyle in twisted top bun. The hair is well pulled back while the capillary mass brings all its volume into an asymmetrical shell. The front is hidden from a wide fringe smoothed and curved with some longer locks near the temples. A hairstyle who barely masks the sadness that marks the traits of Rihanna.

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