May 18, 2024

Pick up the pace: Running for beginners

Running is a great way to improve your physical fitness and overall health. Whether you want to lose weight, increase your cardiovascular endurance, or simply enjoy the outdoors, running can be a rewarding and fulfilling activity. If you're new to running, it's important to start slow and gradually increase your pace and distance to avoid injury and burnout. This article will provide you with some tips and advice for getting started on your running journey.

Firstly, it's important to invest in a good pair of running shoes. The right shoes will provide support and cushioning to your feet, reducing the risk of injury. It's also a good idea to wear moisture-wicking socks and comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement. Additionally, consider using a running app or fitness tracker to monitor your progress and set achievable goals.

Before you start running, it's crucial to warm up properly. This can include light stretching, jogging in place, or brisk walking. Warming up helps to prepare your muscles for the physical activity and reduces the risk of strains or sprains. Once you're warmed up, start with a slow jog or run at a comfortable pace. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks as needed.

As a beginner, it's important to follow a structured training plan. This can help you gradually increase your running distance and pace, while allowing for rest and recovery days. A common approach is the run/walk method, where you alternate between periods of running and walking. This helps to build endurance and prevent fatigue. As you get more comfortable, you can increase the amount of time spent running and decrease the walking intervals.

The benefits of running

Physical health benefits

Running is a great way to improve your physical health. It can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, as it is a calorie-burning exercise. Regular running can also improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and lungs. It can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Running also strengthens muscles and bones, improving overall strength and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Running is also beneficial for the immune system as it increases the production of white blood cells, which help fight off infections and diseases. It can also improve lung capacity and respiratory function, making breathing easier and more efficient.

Mental health benefits

Running is not just beneficial for the body, but also for the mind. It is a great way to manage stress and improve mental well-being. Running releases endorphins, also known as the "feel-good" hormones, which can boost mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of insomnia.

Running can also improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and concentration. It promotes the growth of new brain cells and increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance overall brain health and prevent cognitive decline.

Social benefits

Running can be a socially engaging activity. Participating in running groups or events can provide opportunities to meet new people, make friends, and build a supportive community. Running with others can motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals. It can also be a great way to spend quality time with friends or family, as you can run and chat together.

Additionally, running can help improve self-confidence and self-esteem. Setting and accomplishing running goals can boost self-belief and provide a sense of achievement. The supportive running community can also provide encouragement and positive reinforcement, further boosting confidence.

Overall well-being

Running is a holistic activity that can contribute to overall well-being. It can improve energy levels and increase productivity in daily life. Running outdoors can also expose you to fresh air and natural surroundings, which can enhance mood and reduce stress.

Regular running can lead to better overall fitness and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. It can help develop discipline and perseverance, as it requires consistent effort and commitment. Running can also be a form of self-care, as it allows you to prioritize your health and well-being.

Choosing the right gear

When it comes to running, choosing the right gear can make a big difference in your performance and overall experience. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting running gear:

Comfort and fit

The most important aspect of any running gear is comfort and fit. Your shoes should provide proper support and cushioning to prevent injuries and ensure a comfortable stride. It's important to try on different shoes and find the pair that fits your feet best. Similarly, your clothing should be breathable, moisture-wicking, and allow for a full range of motion.

Weather-appropriate apparel

Running in different weather conditions requires different types of gear. In colder temperatures, layering is key to stay warm and comfortable. Opt for moisture-wicking base layers, insulating middle layers, and a wind-resistant outer layer. In hot weather, choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that allow for maximum airflow and help keep you cool.


When running outdoors, especially in low-light conditions, it's important to choose gear that enhances your visibility. Look for clothing and accessories with reflective elements or bright colors that make you more visible to others, such as drivers or cyclists. Safety should always be a priority.


In addition to shoes and clothing, there are a few accessories that can enhance your running experience. A good pair of socks can prevent blisters and provide extra cushioning. A hat or visor can help shield your face from the sun or rain. And don't forget about a comfortable, adjustable sports watch to track your time and progress.

Remember, finding the right gear may require some trial and error. It's important to prioritize comfort, fit, and functionality to ensure a successful and enjoyable running experience.

Creating a Running Schedule

When starting a running program, setting a schedule is crucial for staying motivated and making progress. A running schedule helps to establish a routine and ensures that you have a plan to follow. Here are some steps to help you create a running schedule:

1. Assess your current fitness level

Before creating a running schedule, it is important to assess your current fitness level. This will help you determine how much running you can handle and set realistic goals. You can start by going for a brisk walk or jogging for a few minutes to gauge your current fitness level.

2. Set your goals

Decide what you want to achieve with your running program. Whether your goal is to run a certain distance, improve your speed, or simply stay active, setting clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated. Set both short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself challenged.

3. Determine your available time

Figure out how much time you can realistically dedicate to running each week. Assess your schedule and identify pockets of time that you can allocate for running. It's important to be consistent, so try to find a time that works best for you and stick to it.

4. Start slow and gradually increase

When creating your running schedule, it's important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your runs. This helps your body adapt and prevents overuse injuries. Begin with shorter runs or run/walk intervals and gradually increase the distance or duration each week.

5. Incorporate rest days

Rest days are an important part of any running schedule. They allow your body to recover and reduce the risk of injury. Include at least one or two rest days each week, where you engage in low-impact activities or completely rest from exercise.

6. Track your progress

As you follow your running schedule, track your progress to see how far you've come. Use a running app or a simple pen and paper to record your runs, including distance, time, and any notes about how you felt. This will help you stay motivated and see the improvements you're making.

Remember, creating a running schedule is just the starting point. It's important to listen to your body, be flexible with your schedule, and make adjustments as needed. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process of becoming a better runner!

Proper running technique

Improving your running technique can help you run more efficiently and reduce the risk of injury. Here are some key elements to focus on:


Maintaining good posture while running is essential. Keep your head up, look straight ahead, and avoid hunching forward. Your back should be straight and your shoulders relaxed, away from your ears. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and balance.

Foot strike

Focus on landing midfoot or forefoot rather than on your heels. This helps to absorb impact and reduces the risk of injuries such as shin splints. Aim for a light and quiet foot strike, with your foot landing underneath your body rather than in front.


Cadence refers to the number of steps you take per minute. Aim for a cadence of around 180 steps per minute, which can help reduce the stress on your legs and increase your running efficiency. To improve your cadence, focus on taking shorter and quicker steps.

Arm swing

Your arms play a significant role in maintaining balance and momentum while running. Keep your arms relaxed and at a 90-degree angle, swinging them naturally back and forth. Avoid crossing your arms in front of your body, as this can lead to inefficient movement.


Proper breathing technique can help you maintain a steady rhythm and prevent side stitches. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm and exhale fully. Find a breathing pattern that works for you, such as inhaling for two steps and exhaling for two steps.

Remember, it takes time and practice to develop a proper running technique. Focus on one aspect at a time and gradually incorporate these tips into your running routine. Consult a professional running coach for personalized guidance and feedback. Happy running!

Motivating yourself to keep going

Starting a new running routine can be challenging, but the key to success is motivation. To keep going and reach your goals, try these strategies:

Set specific and achievable goals

Having a clear goal in mind will provide you with something to work towards. Whether it's running a certain distance or completing a race, setting specific and achievable goals will give you a sense of purpose and motivation.

Create a schedule

By incorporating running into your daily or weekly schedule, you make it a priority. Choose specific days and times to go for a run and stick to it. Having a routine will help you establish a habit and keep you motivated to continue.

Find a running buddy

Running with a friend or joining a running group can help keep you motivated. Having someone to run with provides accountability and makes the experience more enjoyable. You can encourage each other, share experiences, and celebrate achievements together.

Use a running app or tracker

Tracking your progress and seeing improvements can be highly motivating. There are several running apps and trackers available that can help you monitor your distance, pace, and progress over time. By seeing your improvements, you will be motivated to continue pushing yourself.

Reward yourself

Set small rewards for yourself as you achieve milestones in your running journey. It could be buying new running gear, treating yourself to a massage, or indulging in a favorite healthy snack. Celebrating accomplishments along the way will help keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to.

Remember, motivation will ebb and flow, but by incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can stay on track and keep pushing forward.

How To CORRECTLY Pick Up The Pace On A Run! (May 2024)