May 16, 2024

Gemini Horoscope 2010: work

First quarter: Until the end of the first month of the period, you will feel confident and you will be able to fully exploit the opportunities that will come your way. At the same time flexible, diplomatic and determined, you will have the will necessary to overcome the obstacles that could stand in your way. Thus, you will get great results and can even win a major promotion. But if you want to keep these gains and strengthen your professional position, be extra vigilant during the second month. During this month, indeed, you will be a little more inclined to act on impulses. Then, in the third month, luck will be on your side. It will just avoid going too fast, and keep a cool head.

Second quarter: In your business, creativity, originality, the ability to think outside the box will be your major asset. In addition, well supported by Saturn, you will fight much better against your natural inclination to lose interest in your projects along the way. On the contrary, you will persevere, and you will go after your businesses.

Third quarter: Until the middle of the period, be sure to show a little more diplomacy. This will be the key to your professional success. If you are too categorical in your judgments, you will end up emptying around you. On the other hand, if you know how to be flexible and conciliatory, you will be able to form useful alliances, obtain important support, and consolidate your position. Then, from the third month, you will be able to climb quickly up the ranks of the hierarchy. And if you have been thinking for a long time about changing your career, or working in a self-employed job after being employed for many years, you'll put all the odds on your side by starting this month.

Fourth quarter: Prestige, honors, social recognition! These will be your goals. Thanks to your skill and your fierce determination to succeed, you will have a good chance of reaching them these days. But you will have to keep a cool head. Indeed, if you do not let the success fizzle you will end up losing touch with reality ... and that's when trouble could start. Also, redouble your vigilance. Continue to provide hard work and cultivate modesty. This will be the best way to consolidate your achievements. Towards the end of the period, you will be able to give a new boost to your career.

October 2010 Horoscope - Gemini (May 2024)