May 18, 2024

Child's bedroom: where to start when you're expecting a baby?

Step 1: The choice of the room!
Choose preferably - if you have the possibility - a room close to your bedroom. During the first months of his life, baby is very distressed by the separations, especially at bedtime when you leave him alone in bed. Feeling close to him will reassure him and vice versa! You will see that you too will need to be close. A room that lets in daylight will be beneficial for your baby who needs natural light for growth. If your home does not allow you to put baby in bedroom all by itself, it is important to create a little cocoon of his own, whether in a corner of your bedroom or in that of his brother-in-law or grand-sister.

Step 2: The choice of bed and furniture
Do not delay in choosing the furniture who will compose the bedroom of baby, especially the bed. You will be reassured to have all the furniture (or part of it) on time! The models are very numerous and the choice is complex! In addition, in store you may be surprised by a shortage of stock, forcing you to order furniture and delays are often long. The choice of bed is very important. First of all make sure that it respects the European standards and that it is adapted to your child. Baby must be able to move and change position but also have good visibility on his universe. From the traditional crib to the plexiglass bed there is something for everyone! You can also install in it bedroom a cradle or a bassinet that will accommodate baby until these 3 months.

Step 3: We attack the walls
Be careful not to embark on the work alone! You are pregnant and step ladder, ladder and company are not your friends. Get help from your loved ones or wait for the weekend that the future dad is available. Prefer a washable and nontoxic paint to wallpaper. Choose soft colors and pastel shades, and avoid overly aggressive colors as this can disrupt the fall asleep phase. baby. Be aware that there are anti-mite and anti-moisture paints specifically designed for bedrooms of baby.

Step 4: The soil
Forget the carpet! Or choose there anti-mites but it is not what is more practical for a children's room. Although cozy and warm, the carpet is a dust nest and is very difficult to clean. Opt instead for a linoleum floor (made with non-toxic materials), this coating has the advantage of being flexible and easy to clean.

Step 5: The layout!
There is no need to clutter the bedroom with a whole lot of furniture. It must remain spacious and airy, for your comfort and that of your baby. A bed, a changing table and a dresser will do the job at first! To have everything at your fingertips, place all the necessary products for the toilet baby in the changing table as well as diapers and clothing such as pajamas and bodysuits.

Step 6: The decor!
This last step is certainly the most emotionally charged. The bedroom is almost ready, all you have to do is finish the last details while waiting for the arrival of baby. You can find inspiration by browsing specialized magazines or simply by browsing (not too much) the windows of the decor shops. Since the pregnancy leave a lot of free time, why not try yourself at the DIY (do it yourself) and make yourself the decoration of baby ? Paintings, bed bumper, small boxes ... it's time to reveal your artist's soul!

How to Prepare For a Baby: Newborn Baby Essentials (May 2024)