May 16, 2024

Baby Health: How to prevent winter diseases?

Adopt a zero defect hygiene

Even if it seems obvious, it is important to remember: to avoid transmitting viruses and germs from winter to your baby, the whole family should wash their hands always before approaching. Family members are often the first vectors of winter diseases, without their knowledge!


Bet on anti cold foods

To give strength to your baby, increase rations of caloric foods during the winter. Give him more slow carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, potatoes and do not forget the animal protein that, with one meat or one fish per day, should allow him to make the antibodies he needs. to create a good immunity in the heart of winter. Of course, all antioxidants, and especially vitamin C, are especially recommended at this time. Kiwis, citrus fruits and mangoes have a high concentration of vitamin C and they are to be favored for your child's dessert!

Finally, if your child is really bad, consult your doctor who may possibly prescribe dietary supplements of iron or vitamins.


Create a healthy atmosphere at home

Air at home instead of caulking because it's cold? While circulating, the air will better evacuate germs and other viruses accumulated in your home.

Also remember not to overheat because the dry air sensitizes the mucous membranes and makes them more receptive to diseases? If necessary, use an air humidifier.



"Common Pediatric Respiratory Problems" by Monica Kleinman, MD for OPENPediatrics (May 2024)