May 2, 2024

Baby: all about milk teeth

When the first teeth of milk appear baby ?
Most of babies make their first tooth around the age of 5 months. But this is only an average: do not run to your pediatrician if, at 6th months, you still do not see any quenotte dawn on his gum. Some children will be more precocious, even very early: it happens that newborns are already provided with a tooth at birth! But others babies, on the contrary, will blow their first candle completely toothless. But these cases are rare.
The deciduous teeth : a well-ordered arrival
It is important to monitor the symmetry and order of appearance of the teeth. The teeth go in pairs: when an incisor appears, his partner must follow within 6 months. In general, the very first teeth to emerge are the central incisors of the lower part, followed closely by the upper ones. It is then the turn of the other four incisors (2 at the top and 2 at the bottom), then the first four molars (2 at the top and 2 at the bottom), before the canines and finally the last molars.
However, do not worry too much about all this, since your pediatrician records, at each of your visits, the number of teeth, their places and monitors that everything goes well. If he found any abnormalities, he would refer you to a dentist.
At thirty months, your child has all his deciduous teeth : you can count 20!
What are the symptoms of a dental flare?
For some people babies, the dental thrust goes completely unnoticed. Others, conversely, suffer more or less. This usually results in a baby abnormally grouchy, with red cheeks, who salivates a lot and constantly tries to put his hand or an object in his mouth to relieve himself. Your baby may also lose appetite and experience difficulty falling asleep. In some cases, dental flare can also result in diarrhea or ENT complications. Do not worry, all these little troubles are common and solutions exist.

How to relieve baby if the arrival of the baby teeth is painful?
Depending on the symptoms and the intensity of the pain, solutions exist: the refrigerated teething ring, a small massage of the gum with a suitable oil, chamomilla and, as a last resort, the administration of an analgesic (type Doliprane), especially to spend a peaceful night.
Ban Grandma's remedy of rubbing a sugar on her sore gum to help the tooth break through - that's the decay! However, when the arrival of the tooth is late and really pain babySome pediatricians do not hesitate to rub the gum vigorously themselves in order to pierce the little milk tooth. It's impressive for mom, but the baby is then very relieved!

Dental Care for Milk Teeth [Malayalam] - Dr. Sonu Bose - Asianet ME TV (May 2024)